Viktor Renkema

I'm a software engineer that got to be part of some pretty amazing teams.

Things I built

I pursued a degree in Psychology, and only after joining Framer I started learning code.

Below are some projects that taught me a lot along the way.

At the start of 2023 I set out to build a complete app from scratch to learn a new topic in web dev. This became an app to generate invoices, to learn more about pdf's and creating a live UI editor in the web.

A screenshot of, my invoice generator project

Workout tracker

As a frequent gym visitor, I wanted to track my workouts and get certain functionality like easily checking my previous stats. I decided to build a PWA with my own tiny back-end, as I didn't have much experience yet with things like PWA's, node, and Firebase back then.

Aside from learning new tech, my other motivation was that I now had full control over which features I could create for my workouts.

A screenshot of the workout app

Trust factors on Ticketswap

At Ticketswap, we were aiming to shorten the buy-flow. This meant we'd possibly eliminate a page that displayed important trust factors. For a hackathon day, I explored how we could retain these by displaying them sooner in the flow in a fun and interactive way.

The project was very well-received and approved to go from a hackathon project to a production feature.

An animated image of a popover displaying trust factors on hover